Real Time Shooting Gallery

Something to do with your morning coffee.
Not as sinister as it looks in this photo. It is about glue.
Not sure how they acomplish this but it is you shooting actual tennis balls at a hanging crash test dummy that is hanging by its feet by some super strong glue that the site is promoting.
First you make up a user name. You can see how many other players are online at the same time as you are. You will be in rotation with them, Actual humans continuously gather the balls and reload them to be shot by you and your fellow shooters again and again as you watch the real-time results ! You can change the viewing angle, and some other variables.
Takes a few minutes to figure out, but the programming is rather clever. Don't know if it operates 24/7....seems like these guys who gather and re-load the tennis balls would get tired ....really !
Let the ball blasting begin....probably broadband only.