Gentleman-like Shrimpin'

Well, my shrimping experience was delightful but way more mild mannnered than I had expected. Turns out that Mike Broussard hand built his boat in Biloxi on his aunt's property and had a barge with a crane come and lift it and place it in the water and he has been using it to earn a living ever since. He is now doing dinner charter cruises and dolphin watching sunset cruises out of the Bear Point Marina down in Orange Beach where the Giggleing Grouper Restaurant is (old Back Porch Restaurant pre-hurricane). He was born and raises in Biloxi and has used his boat in a variety of ways. It was wonderful---I LOVE summer !!! Just absolutely perfect temperatures.
Dolphins were everywhere. When we started pulling in the drag net, the dolphins were swimming right behind and they stayed right around the boat for a long time after the shrimp were dumped out and in a pot downstairs cooking.