My Osprey and His Fish

Today my Osprey had a nice big fish. I noticed that he was acting a little different. He kept flying about, circling my yard, then the tree tops next door. He'd land in the tree tops, sit for a while and then take off again. I made a point to see which tree he was landing in since my friend, Keith, a major bird knowledgeable person said he bet there might be a nest. But I saw that it was a different tree every time. Then finally I saw the fish. And as one of my books said, he flew holding the fish head first.
Now I notice (of course this might be my imagination) that my Osprey does his bird call in late afternoon until I get out there (or move around the porch to where he can see me) to watch him and photo him, he stops and is silent. How 'bout that. If you don't believe me, come by, any late afternoon, an hour or two before sunset.
He is around on and off all day actually, in mornings too, but almost always, always in late afternoons. And ck this. His call is so loud that I heard him over the roar of a gasoline powered Honda lawnmower I was operating on Sunday afternoon, on the opposite side of the house from the wooded lot next door. I swear, I thought it was my imagination, I couldn't see how it could be that I could actually hear him over that racket so I shut it off and went and was him. More on why I was mowing later.
And yes, I know the second photo is photos are almost impossible w/ auto focus cameras. But you can see the fish.