Big News

AOL to drop Google and use MSN search results. Not totally a done deal yet--but looks like it is happening.

Looks like Google gets about 11% of their traffic from AOL, that will probably carry over to MSN.
AOL users are not known for their Internet savvy...(they are however known for their unbelievable spending habits)

AND on the subject of AOL , a guy in France, who is a webmaster wrote this today:

I was visiting a friend today ( has his own vinyl sign making business 3 employees , turn over about a million and a half dollars equivalent in euros , bright guy ) uses AOL as a DSL subscriber at work here in France ..talking about this he was amazed ..he thought that AOL owned the entire Internet! and that Google etc and Wanadoo ( the local french telecoms and Internet provider )..rented access into AOL's Internet! did his employees..

he had no idea how to change his machine from the page that opened when he switches it on ..
and yes he does spend money on line ..

he kept asking me are sure you wont break it ( AOL ) ..

He didn't know who was providing search to AOL and was really shocked when I explained SEO ..he got the idea ..but thought that all organic serps must be of their very nature "honest" ..and that the whoever was #1 was gonna be there because it was the best !!!.....and that SEO was sort of dishonest ..


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