Computer Ordered

OK--thanks to anonymous commenter and friends who emailed--I ordered the second one, and even with the $44 shipping the total was only $863.63
I love the no sales tax part. Hope I die before congress insists on allowing states to get sales tax on these interstate purchases.
I've seen where flat screen monitors have really come down in price. I'll need another one.
Tonight we tried to get the older computer switched over to the new HD. It was a strange experience. When the old HD, which had all of a sudden started acting right when it heard me talking in its presence about how it was gonna be replaced, came out of the machine, I got all si-fi.....or sentimental and felt like a part of my brain or soul or something was being removed by surgery. I really felt like I owed it a decent funeral or a going away party at the least. That little HD had done so much for me....made me a good bit of money, helped keep me semi-sane by facilitating the ability to rant, rage and vent to others, allowed me to make new friends, keep in touch & be touched by old ones, ....oh my gosh, in the future,, will we be buried with our hard drives?
Of course--in computerville nothing goes smoothly, so the computer only recognizes 8 GB of the new 200 GB HD....BUT.....Heather is coming in the morning, and intuitive as she is, I have confidence that she will be able to solve the problem for me.
And one big hurdle went well-----Win XP re-installed without a lot of rig-a-ma-roe like having to get approval from MS to re-install and all--as I had feared might be the case.
Look how big the fans are in a Sony Vaio--see photo.
And , see the cute little Google travel case Xmas laptop accessories---I have my wireless mini-mouse in charging rite now. And if the (printed in china) directions that came with it are true, then I will be experiencing "somatology" because, as it also says, "you can get rid of the bondage of wires and enjoy your beautiful life from the high technology".
Not hurting anymore thank goodness. But looks AWFUL.....