
Well, the Google Publishers Webinar was light duty and went well. The software was neat. I went to Carol's and used her brand new computer and RoadRunner connection. I couldn't make the sound part work, so I used my cell to call in the 1-800 tell conferencing number. (All the more reason to call the cell a biz expense !)

Luckily I had recently run across a $25 gift certificate I won a year or so ago and stopped at the cell phone place that issued it and got a new hear-thing on my way out of town so I didn't have to hold the phone to my head the whole time.

OK--check the names of the Google Panel today:

Satya Patel, Business Product Management
Mohammed Abdoolcarim, Product Marketing
Cherie Yu, Product Marketing
Phoebe Ho, Account Management

What if your last name was HO ? That wouldn't be fun. And if Cheries's sister married Phoebe's brother, she'd be Girlname Yu Ho.


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