Digging Bamboo Today+Update

Bamboo from the plant nurseries is very expensive. Insanely expensive, and I need a lot. The four pots I have bought locally in Gulf Shores were $89 each and if you try save by mailordering it, the postage is an additional expense.
Soooooooooo, the Man, the yardman (yes, his name is 'Man') is working today and I am on my way over with empty black pots in my traveling mini-storage of a car to dig bamboo with him this afternoon. The sun is out. I have cut a pair of old tennis shoes so my poor ailing toe can stick out--hope this works with minimum discomfort (if not, you can rest asssured I will tell you) .
Man and I dug some bamboo back in the spring and I drove directly to G.S. and planted it but it just got too warm too fast & was dry and it didn't live. BUT...Now is the perfect season for the attempted transplanting. I just need to do some web reading on successful bamboo root digging now before I grab my gloves and go.
Wish you were all here to grab and shovel and help !
Update: Bamboo is dug , bound, roots wrapped, tops trimmed and loaded in my car ! Now I think I will return to G.S. even sooner than I originally thought so I can get this stuff planted asap. My car is LOADED with VALUABLE CARGO !! Anyone up for an afternoon of planting?
Good luck, it looks beatiful! Watch for bugs and snakes in the car!