Golf Christmas Card

Been working with a regional golf travel company to get their website up in search engine rankings. I made two golf themed wreaths and photoed them for free printable Christmas cards for their site,
big rush job, you know how
Chrismas is always barreling in like some damn tidal wave (well it can't come and go soon enuf for me)
anyway--got the things made and online a couple days ago, added my links to them from my most important sites just 2 days ago
AND my client will be soooooo happy.........
I just did a Google seach for :
printable golf christmas card
and their new page is number 1--was indexed on Nov 29th
for :
golf christmas card
their new page is number 3 in search rank
but the description says "Free printable...." so it will get the clicks over the first two listings...
golf xmas card
the page is number 1
as Martha says, this is a GOOD THING.
Want free printable golf xmas cards....? Go Here.