Writely--create pdf's for free

Writely. Another thing in beta, and free for now.
They plan to keep basic Writely free they say and charge for premium features later.
Multiple users can edit .rtf or .doc files and also create .pdf files from remote locations thru the browser. But like so many things, sometimes early users get 'grandfathered' in so you could open a user account now and who knows, maybe you will not get charged for premium features later--you never know.
I have not played around to see how file size of their .pdf files compare to FinePrint PDF factory for instance--and I don't have Acrobat Distiller software, but I know .pdf file size can vary if that is important to you--for dial up users for instance.
Writely says it creates html web page docs too---and I have not looked to see if the code is bloated like Word html is. But it might be useful in a pinch.
This online service might be of use to some of you.
The name makes me think of Oscar Meyer products that are 'rightly seasoned'